Exhibit B - Not-the-safest Bath Ring
This inaugural post includes a little sharing and a little asking.
First, the sharing: I love Carter's Sleep 'n Play suits! I received this little wonders as a gift from Sara when Maia was born; she mentioned they were some of her favorites. I didn't appreciate how great they were until it warmed up a little this summer and I couldn't figure out what Maia should sleep in. Fleece sleepers were too warm, onesies were not warm enough. But these little cotton suits are perfect! Now, Maia is starting to outgrow the ones Sara originally sent me, so I recently shopped for some new ones. I saw Gerber and Circo also make similar suits (with the tab at the top of the zipper covering the closure).
Now, my question... as it cools off at night, I know we'll need to do more to keep Maia warm. My dilemma is this - she has taken to pulling any sort of blanket type object over her face. Should I be worried about this when she sleeps? I'm afraid she'll break out of a swaddle and then pull it over her face while she's in the crib. Also, I bought a sleep sack but she even managed to pull the extra fabric over her face once. Any thoughts??