I am the first one to admit that it was the list of celebrity clientele which first attracted me to this brand... well, that and a hearty recommendation from Baby Bargains, which goes a long way to me! Regardless of how I found them - I love me some Bravado! Nursing bras. I didn't start wearing them until I started nursing, but, I swear, had I known about them while pregnant, I would have worn them the whole darn time!
I particularly love their original nursing bra and pretty much wear it 24/7. It does have an odd design and high back, so you should probably locate a dealer near you and try it on to make sure you like it before taking the plunge. That being said, a couple friends of mine have other versions of these bras and also love them. I found mine at a boutique based on their retailer search on their website, but Baby Center also sells them online (and sometimes has great sales!).
Now, as I look to returning to work, I'm just going to have to figure out the best work clothes for pumping during the day. Suggestions welcome!
I'm still nursing the twins, so I have definite opinions on things that make nursing easy. I suggest wearing nursing tank tops like the ones sold at Target. They are great under almost anything and for sleeping, and they are affordable. Bravado probably makes some, too. Also, button-up tops are the way to go. Basically, you want clothes that won't leave your belly and back exposed. Another pumping tip is to bring your nursing cover (I have a "Modest Mum" and love it!) to put around your neck to cover you while pumping. As you know, pumping is NOT attractive, and you wouldn't want anyone walking in on that! I've also heard of people making signs for their office doors that say "making baby food. Please do not disturb" (some even put a picture of a cow!). If desperate (or you don't have a private pumping place), you can get a car adapter for your pump. The suction is greater coming from the car's power, so you get more in a short amount of time.
Ok, so speaking of pumping... I have to attend a wedding in about 2 weeks out of town. We're leaving the bambino with Jason's mom... however, I'll probably have to go about 6 - 8 hours without pumping and/or feeding her. Has anyone dealt with this? What the heck should I do? Am I being an idiot for worrying about this?
You're not an idiot at all. I strongly suggest you take your pump. What if you don't return when you think you will? Also, since you've never done it before, you don't know how uncomfy you may be. Waiting that long once shouldn't affect your milk supply, but depending on how much she drinks (which, since she's under 6mos, I'd say A LOT), then you'll probably get pretty engorged. Make sure you take/wear breast pads to protect against leaks!
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